speaker details
Craig L Russell
Craig L Russell is a senior staff engineer at Sun Microsystems. He is specification lead for Java Data Objects (JSR 12 and 243) and leads the implementation team for its API and Technology Compatibility Kit. He was the architect of the Container Managed Persistence component of the J2EE Reference Implementation and Sun Java System Application Server. He is currently architect and implementation lead for MySQL Cluster Java / API and MySQL Cluster Java / JPA. Craig is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, the chair of the Apache OpenJPA Project Management Committee, and a member of the Apache Incubator project responsible for bringing projects into Apache.


Easy to Use Highly Available Java Database Access

The recently announced MySQL Cluster Java / API, aka ClusterJ, adopts well-accepted design patterns from the Java persistence projects Java Data Objects and Java Persistence API. ClusterJ supports the POJO Domain Object Model of persistence, allowing mapping of Java domain objects directly to MySQL Cluster database tables. You already know most of what you need to use it! While MySQL Cluster is perhaps best known as a transactional storage engine for MySQL Server, it is a fully functional database in its own right, with a rich query language and choice of access methods to data beyond SQL. Now with a fully supported Java interface, developers can access their data directly from MySQL Cluster without going through JDBC and MySQL Server. For more complex object models including relationships between entities, MySQL Cluster Java / JPA is an OpenJPA plugin that offers higher performance for basic insert, update, and delete operations compared with OpenJPA with JDBC. This session discusses the ClusterJ implementation of the Java POJO domain object model of persistence. ClusterJ uses the familiar persistence patterns session factory, session, transaction, and criteria query; and provides complete application support for insert, delete, update, and query. Topics include: installation requirements for ClusterJ; creating the domain object model classes mapped to your tables; support for column types mapped to Java types; configuring the connection to MySQL Cluster; obtaining a session; transaction management including auto-transaction; life cycle management (insert, delete); updating data; and querying to find data. As a result of attending this session, developers will be able to evaluate the use of ClusterJ with MySQL Cluster for their applications.


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