GeeCON faq |
- How can I check that you received my payment?
Please visit this page to check your payment using your registration number.
- What is University Day and how much does it cost?
University Day is a day of trainings and workshops, that takes place a day before the conference (12th May). Prices for each training will be 195PLN (50€). Training grup size is 20 people.
- Why do I a "Not paid" note, even though I paid?
There is a delay between the moment payment is received and we get a notification from our accountant - it might take a few days. Should we not get your payment in 2 weeks after registration, we will send a reminder.
- How to make a payment without an invoice?
Either according to the instructionss visible after the registration or request a pro-forma invoice or card payment instructions
- Should I send a payment confirmation?
No, there is no need.
- When will I get my ticket?
There are no tickets in a physical form :) Just show up with an ID at the conference and we will hand you all the confrence materials.
- Can I pay with a credit card?
At the moment bank transfer is the only option.