speaker details
Holly Cummins
Holly is a software engineer at IBM's Hursley labs. She has led development on IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java™ - Health Center and the GC and Memory Visualizer tool. Her tooling work builds on her experience working as a performance engineer within the garbage collection development team. Holly has been with IBM for eight years. Before joining IBM, she completed a doctorate in quantum computation at the University of Oxford. She has spoken at a variety of industry events including Devoxx, JavaZone, The ServerSide Java Symposium, The Great Indian Developer Summit, and WebSphere User Groups.
Java Performance Tuning - not so scary after all
No one likes slow applications, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start when trying to fix a performance problem. This talk will cover a range of tools and techniques which can be used to track down and fix performance issues.
Topics covered:
Why performance really really matters
What's the garbage collector doing? (And why you should care.)
But why is the garbage collector doing all that, anyway? How to find out what's in your heap (tools discussed are applicable to most JVMs).
Are you waiting around on locks?
Is your application running the code it should be?
Solving problems you didn't even know existed with the Health Center (applicable to IBM VMs).
Apache Aries: Enterprise OSGi in Action
The Enterprise OSGi specification brings a standard way to assemble applications in a dynamic and modular way. Web applications, JPA Persistence Archives and Persistence Providers can all be factored and deployed as OSGi bundles, enabling common libraries to be shared across applications and the entire system to be dynamically updated. The Blueprint Container specification standardizes the popular Spring component model, enabling simple Java bean unit test and assembly for application business logic. Finally, these can be coupled with Enterprise services, such as Directory and Transactions.
Aries is an Apache Incubator project which was created in Autumn 2009 to deliver pluggable Java components enabling an Enterprise OSGi application programming model. This includes implementations of OSGi specification, but importantly provides an open collaborative forum to evolve the enterprise OSGi application programming model in support of the standards.
This session will present a overview of the Apache Aries project and give an end-to-end demonstration of how a simple Aries Application can be assembled from Web, Persistence and Blueprint components and dynamically deployed.