speaker details
Oliver Gierke
Oliver Gierke is Senior Consultant at SpringSource - a division of VMware. He has been into Java Application development and according OpenSource projects for over 6 years now. His work focuses around enterprise Java development, mostly based on Spring and other OpenSource technologies. Within his role as Head of Research and Development in his former company Synyx he created the OpenSource projects Hades and Hera he continues to lead these days.


Easing JPA DAO development with Hades

The session will introduce the audience to the OpenSource library Hades that provides support to implement data access layers based on JPA. It will discover pain points in developing data access with JPA these days. This will mainly focus automated query execution, integration of custom DAO code as well as domain layer specific issues like auditing, pagination, sorting etc. The talk will point out solutions for the problems by taking a step by step walk through the Hades sample application introducing its features. The talk will conclude with an outlook on integration with JPA 2.0 and Spring 3. For further information about the project checkout:


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