speaker details
Matthias Wessendorf

Matthias Wessendorf - Principal Member Technical Staff for Oracle.

Matthias is a member of Oracle's ADF Faces group, which creates a next generation web application framework, based on JavaServer Faces. His current focus there is the integration of server-side-push technology to enable a very rich UI experience.

Matthias - PMC Chair of Apache MyFaces - also contributes to the OpenSource community, mainly Apache MyFaces and Apache Trinidad and is a frequent speaker at major industry conferences, such as JavaOne, AjaxWorld or ApacheCon.


Practical Comet and JSF

The increasing relevance of almost real-time updates in web-application is proven by the fact that more and more containers and frameworks offer support for server-side-push (aka Comet). The session gives a quick introduction of the "Comet" technology and explains its usage with current frameworks, such as JSF (ADF/ADS) or Atmosphere. The session ends with an outlook to the near future of Servlet 3.0 and HTML 5 WebSockets.


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